Postgraduation Program in Psychiatry and Mental Health

Elie Cheniaux Junior, PhD

Full Professor
Psychiatry – FCM-UERJ

Professor (permanent teacher)


Prof. Elie Cheniaux graduated in medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) (1983-1988); studied medical residency in psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPUB-UFRJ) (1989-1990), master’s degree (1991-1993) and doctorate (1994-1997) in psychiatry and mental health in the Postgraduate Program Graduation in Psychiatry and Mental Health (PROPSAM) of IPUB-UFRJ and psychoanalytic training at the Psychoanalytical Society of Rio de Janeiro (SPRJ), affiliated to the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) (1996-2003). He also held two post-doctorates: in the Systems and Computer Engineering Program and in the Interdisciplinary Area of History of Sciences and Techniques and Epistemology at COPPE-UFRJ (2001-2002); and in the psychology department of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) (2010-2011). He received the title of specialist in psychiatry by the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry (ABP) and by the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB), in 1994, and by the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Rio de Janeiro (CREMERJ), in 2003.

Prof. Elie Cheniaux is a full professor of psychiatry at FCM-UERJ (progression approved in 2019) at FCM-UERJ; professor at the Postgraduate Program in Medical Sciences (PGCM) at FCM-UERJ; professor at PROPSAM at IPUB-UFRJ. Author of more than 100 scientific articles published in national and, mainly, international journals and 14 book chapters. He conducts clinical research on bipolar disorder. His other areas of interest and scientific production are descriptive psychopathology, the neuroscience / psychoanalysis interface and the use of art, especially cinema, in the teaching of psychiatry. Author of 5 books, some didactic, such as the “Manual of Psychopathology”, and others non-scientific, such as “Woody Allen: are his films really autobiographical?”.

