Postgraduation Program in Psychiatry and Mental Health

Tiago Arruda Sanchez, PhD

Associate Professor
Neuroimaging and Psychophysiology
Principal Investigator of ‘Neuroimaging and Psychophysiology Laboratory
Member of Radiology Department, Medical School, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Associated member of the Institute of Psychiatry, Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
Vice coordinator of the Postgraduation Program of Cardiology, Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Phone: +55-21-981737000

Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), at the Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Radiology. He is head of the ‘Laboratory of Neuroimaging and
Psychophysiology’. Physicist with a doctorate in the area of functional neuroimaging and
mental health, by the University of São Paulo (2009) in the Program of Physics Applied to
Medicine and Biology. He did a post-doctorate in physiology (2010) at the Institute of
Biophysics (Carlos Chagas Filho) at UFRJ. He has experience in the human cognitive
neuroscience using neuroimaging (functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI), heart rate
variability (HRV), cognitive tasks, biofeedback and psychometric scales. He works with a special
interest in: cognitive resources, social cognition, emotion regulation*, attention, mental
imagery and sensory-motor integration. His research studies address the nervous and
cardiorespiratory systems with application in mental health including chronic pain, depression
and anxiety disorders, psychopharmacology studies and the brain effects of Ayahuasca.

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