Postgraduation Program in Psychiatry and Mental Health

Virtual Reality Mental Health Lab (VRMH Lab)

Lucio Lage Gonçalves –
Rafael Ferreira Garcia –

The Virtual Reality Laboratory in Mental Health (Lab. VRMH) aims to develop
activities dedicated to the research, diagnosis and treatment of patients with
mental disorders, using Virtual Reality (VR) technology. It operates vertically in
research on the VR theme and horizontally in offering services to other
laboratories that are interested in using this digital technology for their patients.

Structure of the Lab. RVSM
The Laboratory has two VR environments (VR car and immersion with VR
glasses), in addition to space for meetings and classes related to the theme. An
adjoining room houses the laboratory coordinators.

How to access our services
VRMH Lab. will work in partnership with other laboratories and Research Units
of the Postgraduation Program Psychiatry and Mental Health of the Institute of
Psychiatry of the Federal University of the Rio de Janeiro

Visit Program
For a better understanding of the dynamics of the VRMH Lab, we have a
Program for Coordinators of other Laboratories to take their students and
partners to see the facilities and participate in a simulation of use (immersive

Lab Management Model (MGRVSM)
The VRMH Lab. has a Management Model (MGRVSM) approved by the
Management Committee to guide the operation of the laboratory.

Management Committee (CGRVSM):
Formed by Professors Drs. Antonio Egidio Nardi, and Jose Appolinário, by
Professor Dr. Laiana Quagliato and by the Laboratory Coordinators, the
CGRVSM has the vital role of deliberating on strategic issues of the operation
and evolution of the Laboratory, in addition to the approval of the routines,
procedures and protocols to be used in the laboratory. These documents are for
internal use and will not be published in any media and presented only due to
the other PROPSAM Laboratories and Research Units.
